
The great grandfathers grandfather; a far ancestor; or forefather.

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Raw Data Segment Matches

Criteria for these results are a minimum of 3cM and 15% SNPs tested within the segment
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C1 72,017 66,574,140 95.1cM 17855 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 12,601,328 14,042,647 3cM 244 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 12,601,328 14,042,647 3cM 244 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C1 35,153,882 41,265,698 8.2cM 1427 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C1 66,575,360 91,964,397 24.6cM 6344 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 88,758,654 91,797,536 3.1cM 709 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C1 91,968,189 216,936,971 110.9cM 25997 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 145,484,985 148,122,974 4.2cM 175 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 145,679,055 148,173,037 3.9cM 134 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C1 145,747,931 148,182,378 3.9cM 103 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 145,776,067 148,420,574 4cM 121 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C1 145,776,776 148,122,974 3.9cM 78 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C1 145,776,776 148,420,574 4cM 120 T361414 Wesley Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C1 145,840,950 148,420,574 3.9cM 101 T307891 Ross Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C1 145,840,950 148,173,037 3.8cM 72 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C1 145,860,034 149,790,203 4.3cM 410 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C1 145,865,184 149,674,317 3.1cM 383 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C1 216,949,227 238,967,138 31.7cM 6425 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C1 238,967,960 247,185,615 15.8cM 2305 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C2 8,674 6,315,654 12.7cM 2096 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C2 6,319,747 63,625,273 71.6cM 16034 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C2 7,444,354 8,667,717 3.7cM 350 T765921 Laurence Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C2 13,710,443 16,616,480 4.3cM 747 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C2 63,666,962 108,271,126 38.5cM 8991 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C2 79,061,534 81,823,497 3.7cM 841 T689630 David Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C2 79,061,534 81,493,423 3.7cM 794 T765921 Laurence Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C2 108,271,480 131,395,349 21.7cM 4795 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C2 131,402,345 211,096,017 68.6cM 16984 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C2 134,033,864 139,151,362 4.6cM 1285 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C2 134,606,441 139,160,029 3.7cM 1075 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C2 149,941,987 153,792,372 3.4cM 892 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C2 212,957,489 242,697,433 47.6cM 7975 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C2 224,071,674 227,229,654 3.1cM 700 PGORDON Peggy Gordon T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland) Unknown
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C3 36,495 50,617,979 68.4cM 14469 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C3 4,927,779 6,114,380 3.5cM 464 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C3 50,620,417 65,092,987 18.6cM 4141 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C3 65,096,305 199,322,659 137.5cM 28365 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C4 61,566 191,152,644 212.9cM 40274 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C4 82,612,886 86,508,661 5cM 781 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C4 84,791,441 113,049,151 23.7cM 5583 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C4 163,543,918 166,097,785 3.5cM 570 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin PGORDON Peggy Gordon Robert Johnston (c. 1797) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C5 2,332,866 20,914,020 32.8cM 5421 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C5 20,928,038 91,487,988 64.2cM 14271 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C5 91,524,973 101,274,110 6.1cM 1713 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C5 101,313,246 180,625,733 96.5cM 19835 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C5 136,942,225 141,371,716 3.1cM 839 T361414 Wesley Johnston T160928 Control Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) Unknown
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C6 148,878 7,725,435 19.4cM 2797 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C6 7,730,458 19,405,436 17.7cM 3317 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C6 19,407,242 170,761,395 155.7cM 41819 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C6 25,439,216 32,848,834 3.5cM 6633 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C6 25,506,984 33,105,849 4cM 7093 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C6 25,528,723 32,896,690 3.3cM 6696 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C6 35,831,395 38,789,756 3.5cM 806 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C6 39,091,676 41,497,462 3.7cM 793 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C6 106,005,645 107,659,173 3.6cM 547 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C7 140,018 4,443,550 6.6cM 1151 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C7 140,018 37,467,903 59.2cM 11831 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C7 36,893,556 38,695,930 3.2cM 597 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T361414 Wesley Johnston Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C7 37,473,159 100,224,836 53.8cM 12792 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C7 100,236,453 142,532,332 41.3cM 9003 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C7 142,562,936 158,811,981 32.6cM 4274 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C7 151,068,891 152,267,562 3.1cM 271 T765921 Laurence Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C8 154,984 108,376,513 120.7cM 27363 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C8 11,628,545 12,672,249 3.6cM 142 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C8 11,628,545 12,730,154 3.7cM 154 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C8 11,628,545 12,706,206 3.7cM 148 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C8 11,644,457 12,742,545 3.6cM 160 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C8 11,704,588 12,666,865 3.4cM 88 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C8 11,862,365 12,744,440 3.2cM 76 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C8 101,594,261 103,113,852 3.2cM 435 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C8 101,890,196 103,643,839 3.4cM 510 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C8 110,350,656 146,264,218 48.2cM 9122 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C8 138,815,571 139,945,367 3.2cM 378 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C9 36,587 36,427,700 60.5cM 12547 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C9 36,448,793 106,838,863 51.8cM 10479 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C9 38,240,950 44,805,022 5.1cM 233 T361414 Wesley Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C9 38,355,696 70,289,960 6.6cM 217 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C9 38,492,355 70,223,358 6.1cM 142 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C9 38,632,154 70,209,393 5.4cM 122 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C9 38,668,740 70,209,393 5.2cM 83 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C9 38,675,643 70,209,393 5.2cM 78 T307891 Ross Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C9 38,675,643 70,414,952 5.3cM 137 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C9 38,710,168 70,223,358 4.9cM 62 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C9 38,762,575 70,361,639 4.9cM 72 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C9 39,093,743 70,508,637 4.9cM 118 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C9 106,829,886 109,672,695 4.1cM 774 T361414 Wesley Johnston T160928 Control Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) Unknown
C9 106,842,043 140,186,312 56cM 9619 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C10 88,087 82,868,468 105.7cM 22946 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C10 44,024,040 47,944,251 3.2cM 469 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C10 44,722,204 48,093,935 3cM 313 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C10 71,126,317 72,652,260 3.2cM 698 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C10 82,875,955 99,434,720 16.9cM 4707 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C10 83,789,447 87,144,101 3cM 938 T307891 Ross Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C10 99,436,415 133,252,106 52.9cM 10620 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C10 116,042,990 118,593,218 3.1cM 674 T765921 Laurence Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C10 133,256,929 135,327,873 3.7cM 620 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C11 188,510 134,439,273 159.5cM 36468 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C11 120,654,741 122,295,386 3.2cM 510 T765921 Laurence Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C11 130,408,303 131,515,327 3.1cM 486 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T361414 Wesley Johnston Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C12 61,880 5,302,852 13.6cM 1847 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C12 1,607,841 3,055,401 3.4cM 443 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C12 5,304,394 53,362,041 55.7cM 13090 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C12 7,824,902 9,690,393 3.2cM 419 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C12 12,109,796 13,547,413 3.4cM 544 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C12 51,369,970 53,752,850 3.5cM 685 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C12 53,367,129 103,750,380 52.4cM 11996 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C12 103,759,574 132,287,718 51.1cM 8445 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C12 107,718,753 112,459,392 3.2cM 889 PGORDON Peggy Gordon T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland) Unknown
C12 125,421,011 126,612,824 3.6cM 440 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C13 17,956,717 40,588,140 41.7cM 7233 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C13 40,599,843 51,526,075 12.6cM 2973 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C13 41,529,489 44,160,494 3.5cM 834 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C13 57,289,492 77,660,146 19cM 5268 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C13 77,665,502 114,121,631 51.3cM 11198 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C14 18,325,726 106,358,708 117.1cM 23227 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C14 21,807,817 23,057,277 3.5cM 518 T361414 Wesley Johnston T160928 Control Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) Unknown
C14 73,305,480 75,928,353 3.1cM 648 T307891 Ross Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C14 96,161,917 98,081,815 3.6cM 625 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C15 18,331,687 77,786,272 84.5cM 14443 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C15 25,430,180 27,214,074 4.2cM 299 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C15 25,668,326 27,684,950 5.1cM 348 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C15 25,673,431 27,214,074 3.5cM 194 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C15 25,856,949 27,254,914 3.6cM 156 T361414 Wesley Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,518,288 4.2cM 235 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,254,914 3.5cM 148 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T361414 Wesley Johnston Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,214,074 3.2cM 131 T689630 David Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,214,074 3.2cM 131 T765921 Laurence Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,518,288 4.2cM 235 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin PGORDON Peggy Gordon Robert Johnston (c. 1797) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,214,074 3.2cM 131 T689630 David Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C15 25,872,162 27,237,021 3.4cM 143 PGORDON Peggy Gordon T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland) Unknown
C15 25,872,162 27,214,074 3.2cM 131 T765921 Laurence Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C15 25,887,445 27,254,914 3.5cM 142 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C15 25,887,445 27,254,914 3.5cM 142 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C15 25,887,445 27,219,113 3.2cM 128 T307891 Ross Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C15 26,067,821 27,490,744 4cM 177 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
C15 77,787,967 92,645,410 25.8cM 4354 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C15 92,647,763 100,278,685 21.2cM 2737 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C16 28,165 5,941,707 12.2cM 1747 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C16 5,945,000 12,753,752 17.3cM 2985 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C16 12,755,890 87,165,471 103.6cM 17475 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C16 13,804,865 16,769,874 4.5cM 595 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C16 15,037,471 16,935,748 3.6cM 473 T765921 Laurence Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C16 15,778,236 16,786,230 3.1cM 328 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C16 16,115,672 17,579,012 3.6cM 343 T307891 Ross Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
C16 20,952,870 22,917,075 3cM 328 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C16 51,747,173 53,103,738 3.6cM 404 T689630 David Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C16 84,241,206 85,516,377 5.3cM 819 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C16 84,266,817 85,599,719 5.6cM 840 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C16 85,883,413 87,038,189 3.1cM 346 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C17 8,547 6,493,892 16.4cM 2106 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C17 6,498,311 33,835,962 45.7cM 6905 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C17 7,937,365 9,300,067 3.1cM 422 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C17 33,846,328 37,187,603 3.3cM 759 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C17 33,846,328 78,639,702 67.4cM 11147 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C17 53,036,548 56,783,971 3.2cM 687 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C17 74,879,748 75,484,093 3.1cM 123 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C17 74,934,274 75,564,609 3.1cM 135 T689630 David Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C17 74,989,667 76,141,122 4cM 281 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C18 3,034 49,792,489 73.1cM 13471 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C18 3,034 1,334,120 4.2cM 416 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C18 3,034 1,334,120 4.2cM 416 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C18 11,041,840 12,018,109 3.5cM 293 T689630 David Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C18 49,798,370 64,089,867 19.5cM 4005 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C18 64,091,996 76,116,152 26.8cM 4154 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C19 211,912 47,192,557 67.4cM 9911 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C19 6,558,597 7,561,810 3.7cM 324 T361414 Wesley Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C19 45,692,941 48,888,066 3.5cM 703 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C19 48,127,806 63,788,972 39.9cM 4947 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C19 57,531,844 58,511,812 3.5cM 334 T361414 Wesley Johnston T160928 Control Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland) Unknown
C19 57,992,796 58,988,583 4.4cM 346 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C19 61,858,645 63,788,972 3.3cM 585 T689630 David Johnston T361414 Wesley Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Thomas Johnston (c.1801 Northern Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C20 11,244 62,382,907 108.1cM 18327 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C21 9,849,404 44,041,987 57.7cM 9284 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C21 15,741,121 16,971,411 3cM 381 T689630 David Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C21 41,841,892 44,018,437 6cM 994 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C21 41,932,953 44,825,022 6.6cM 1181 T689630 David Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C21 44,043,952 46,924,583 4.6cM 899 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C21 44,422,950 45,670,443 3cM 439 T307891 Ross Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
C22 14,494,244 16,240,634 3.6cM 233 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C22 14,494,244 45,972,077 61cM 8875 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C22 14,494,244 16,209,955 3.5cM 223 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C22 16,442,987 18,020,667 3.2cM 418 T765921 Laurence Johnston T307891 Ross Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C22 17,020,300 18,605,536 3.3cM 503 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C22 18,587,825 19,665,611 3.2cM 195 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C22 18,587,825 19,665,611 3.2cM 195 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C22 18,673,625 20,592,369 4.2cM 311 T765921 Laurence Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C22 18,673,625 20,128,907 3.8cM 236 T689630 David Johnston T219469 Ruth McLaughlin John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Robert Johnston (c. 1797)
C22 19,226,926 21,959,552 6.9cM 566 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C22 19,712,482 21,615,252 5.2cM 342 T765921 Laurence Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C22 20,894,646 23,362,774 5.5cM 493 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin PGORDON Peggy Gordon Robert Johnston (c. 1797) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
C22 44,226,935 45,357,440 3cM 378 T307891 Ross Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
C22 45,979,055 49,558,258 12.1cM 1555 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
C22 47,107,360 47,688,700 3.4cM 304 T307891 Ross Johnston PGORDON Peggy Gordon John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1765 Ireland)
Chr Start Finish cM SNPs Kit1 Name1 Kit2 Name2 Ancestor1 Ancestor2
X 5,722,133 8,577,656 4.3cM 397 T689630 David Johnston T765921 Laurence Johnston John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland)
X 87,711,318 93,005,401 5.3cM 373 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
X 123,372,758 124,108,390 3.3cM 100 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
X 123,416,378 124,115,737 3.1cM 90 T689630 David Johnston T160928 Control John Johnston (c.1820 Ireland) Unknown
X 129,266,525 133,968,536 3.1cM 474 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
X 147,050,543 149,281,484 3.4cM 239 T219469 Ruth McLaughlin T160928 Control Robert Johnston (c. 1797) Unknown
public/dna/johnston/rawdata_v1.txt · Last modified: 2017-09-05 20:53 by David Johnston