Analysis of raw autosomal kit files has been undertaken for a group of Y-DNA related Johnston relatives, other Johns(t)on(e) participants, and a small group of non-related control subjects. These raw autosomal kit files have been provided by participants from Ancestry, FTDNA, and 23andme autosomal tests.
The purpose is to determine whether it is possible to determine genealogical relationships between these individuals for distant relationships (5th/6th cousins).
Version 3 - 10th December 2017
Version 3 includes:
Version 3 - Build 36 FTDNA autosomal files analysis
Version 3 - Build 37 FTDNA autosomal files analysis
Version 3 - Build 37 Ancestry autosomal files analysis
Version 3 - Build 37 Combined Ancestry & FTDNA autosomal files analysis
Version 3 - Build 37 Combined Ancestry & FTDNA 3-way match analysis